April 29, 2024: The database was updated with 3.3 million transactions.
April 19, 2024: The database was updated with the addition of all transactions for the 2024 election.
April 9, 2024: The database was updated with the addition of 175,000 transactions, including all transactions from Alachua, Baker, Bay, and Bradford.
March 26, 2024: Identified 6 counties with inconsistent elections dates. Started contacting election offices to see if those could be corrected. Refined Navigation bar. Crafted links from account numbers to extract transactions data.
March 19, 2024: Installed Bootstrap and configured ssh. Front-end started.
March 5, 2024: Python scripts set to run automatically.
February 20, 2024: Started importing candidates data. Also started to import data from the Florida Division of Elections.
February 6, 2024: Began working from phpMyAdmin. First tables created.
January 30, 2024: Installed Python. Adapted Python scripts to the server.
January 23, 2024: LAMP installed (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Domain configured.
January 16, 2024: Server is created.
January 7, 2024: Translated R scripts into Python.